ACUE Lunch and Learn

Effective Teaching Practices Showcase

Join U of T faculty graduates of the Association of College and University Educators (ACUE) Effective Teaching Practices course (ACUE-Certified Faculty) as they share insights from the 25 modules they completed over several months and how they implemented, reimagined, and extended evidence-based teaching practices to support their teaching, learning and student success at U of T.

This Series invites participants to hear from these instructors: their reflections on the course and practical examples informed by evidence-based strategies. Facilitators will engage in discussions on sharing these approaches into one’s current practice.

ACUE participant quote

Upcoming ACUE Lunch and Learn Workshops

Motivation Matters: Inspiring Student Engagement through Course Design, Feedback, and Purposeful Teaching Practices
Feburary 4, 12pm-1pm 

To stay informed on upcoming teaching and learning events at U of T, sign up for the CTSI newsletter.

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