TATP Teaching Excellence Awards

Nominations close on February 14th! Celebrate great teaching and nominate someone making a difference in the classroom.   
TA and BIPOC TA Teaching Excellence Awards:

CI Teaching Excellence Award: Departments can nominate a course instructor by submitting an online form.

Generative AI or Universal Design for Learning Workshop Requests

CTSI is accepting requests from departments and divisions for locally-delivered CTSI-facilitated sessions focused on either of two high-priority areas:

  • Generative Artificial Intelligence
  • Universal Design for Learning

These sessions are intended to offer opportunities to instructors to learn together in the contexts where they teach and are offered as a one-hour webinar or two-hour interactive workshop.

Course Evaluation Reports: New Design

Starting with Winter 2025 courses, CTSI is pleased to introduce a new format for course evaluation reports with accompanying guidelines for University of Toronto instructors and academic administrators. 

Teaching with Generative AI at U of T

This new resource addresses generative artificial intelligence in teaching and learning. It offers support to U of T instructors interested in generative AI and seeking information on how to include, or better engage with, generative AI in their teaching practice.

Quercus Support & the Academic Toolbox

Explore CTSI’s Educational Technology resources to learn more about the options and support available for U of T instructors and staff: Tool Guides, a Tool Finder  and Teach with Technology articles .

The Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation (CTSI) provides leadership in teaching and learning at the University of Toronto and provides support for pedagogy and pedagogy-driven instructional technology for all teaching staff and teaching assistants (primarily through the Teaching Assistant’s Training Program) across the university’s campuses and divisions.


Explore the various ways you can get involved and seek support from CTSI for your teaching. Visit What We Offer and Resources for a more comprehensive list of offerings.

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