Demystifying the Dossier What is a Teaching Dossier?CTSI’s Demystifying the Dossier Series provides an overview for U of T instructors assembling a teaching dossier, Developing a Statement of Teaching Philosophy, and considering the important question, What is effective teaching?’CTSI consultations are available to instructors with continuing appointments who are preparing for an interim or probationary review, tenure or continuing status review, or promotion. Book a Dossier Consultation Demystifying the Dossier Workshop Series Drafting Your Statement of Teaching PhilosophyFebruary 19, 2pm-4pm Learn more and register Preparing the Teaching DossierApril 8, 10am-12pm Learn more and register View recordings of previous CTSI webinars, including Documenting Your Teaching and dossier workshops. To stay informed on upcoming teaching and learning events at U of T, sign up for the CTSI newsletter. Join ctsi newsletter