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Finding the Balance: Learning spaces that promote rigour and kindness

20 August 2024 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm EDT


20 August 2024
9:00 am - 12:00 pm EDT
Event Category:
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Event Topics
Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility in Education, Professional Development, Student Engagement and Support

Full Schedule
9am-10am: Light breakfast and networking (outside Myhal 150) 
10:10am-10:15am: Opening remarks from Vice-President and Provost, Trevor Young (Myhal 150) 
10:15am-12pm: Finding the Balance: Learning spaces that promote rigour and kindness, Garfield Gini-Newman, Associate Professor, Curriculum, Teaching and Learning, OISE 

Finding the Balance: Learning spaces to promote rigour and kindness

Facilitator: Garfield Gini-Newman, Associate Professor, Curriculum, Teaching and Learning, OISE 

As the world undergoes transformational change and societies deal with polycrisis:

  • How can we best ensure that university classrooms are bastions of civil discourse and learning spaces where curiosity is nurtured, and intellectual growth promoted?
  • When considering three pedagogical facets of university education: core learning goals/purposes; sources of evidence of learning; and, instructional practices, how much has changed?
  • What should change and what constants are important?
  • Do university classrooms need to undergo revolutionary change or an evolution in practices?
  • What are the opportunities and challenges presented by the increasing presence of AI in our world?

During this session, Garfield will explore the possibilities and challenges of responding to teaching and learning in a rapidly shifting world. Participants will consider and respond to a variety pedagogical issues and ideas to find ways to embrace change so that learning in university classrooms balances kindness and rigour, curiosity and deep learning, collaboration and individuality so that students can flourish in their university career and beyond.

  • Can the inversion of traditional structures help to promote richer discourse, deeper learning, and better opportunities for meaningful assessment to occur? Consider the impact on university classrooms if the assignments given to students were used as invitations to learn rather than proof of learning. If they were used to initiate and sustain learning rather than testing for learning at the end.
  • What if we focused on problem managing over problem solving? What might course design and classroom instruction look like framed around a problem management approach? Imagine the opportunities if we valued the journey as much as the product, and if we expanded the sources of evidence gathered to reflect the range of ways students will engage in the world after graduation.

Part of CTSI's Teaching and Learning Symposium: Mini-Series 

Coffee and Networking at 9am 
Join us before Finding the Balance for an opportunity to meet with colleagues and connect in-person.  

Learn more about U of T teaching awards and grants with the Office of Vice-Provost, Innovations in Undergraduate Education, ask questions President's Teaching Award, Learning and Education Advancement Fund (and LEAF+), Northrop Frye Award, or Graduate Education Innovation Fund and meet past recipients.  

Participate in an Engaging Interactive Display with What is a Classroom Standard?: The Build Your Own Edition 

  • Have you ever wanted to design your own classroom?
  • What are those elements in a physical classroom that are essential to your pedagogy?
  • What is missing in the current inventory of classrooms?
  • What would optimize your engagement with your students? 

Transforming the Instructional Landscape Advisory Committee, Learning Space Management, and members of the Tech2U team will be in attendance to design your wish list classroom. There will be lots of classroom items for you to assemble in that ideal space as well as opportunity for those out-of-box and big dream ideas. 

LOCATION: Outside Myhal150, 55 St George St, Toronto, ON M5S 0C9 

************************* Rough Schedule for Morning Below ********************* 

9am-10am - Light breakfast and networking (outside Myhal 150) 
10am - Participants transition into Myhal 150 
10:10am-10:15am - Opening remarks from Vice-President and Provost, Trevor Young 
10:15am-12:00pm - Finding the Balance: Learning spaces that promote rigour and kindness, Garfield Gini-Newman, Associate Professor, Curriculum, Teaching and Learning, OISE 

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