U of T Teaching and Learning Calendar


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Teaching in Arts & Science Winter 2024 Lunch & Learn: Facilitating Peer Review and Feedback

Presented By: Faculty of Arts & Sciences  Peer review and feedback are essential for promoting student engagement, fostering a classroom community and encouraging critical thinking and collaborative learning. In this session, we will review some key concepts and considerations for facilitating peer review and feedback activities. We will also discuss effective strategies and tools to […]

A&S T&L Community of Practice: Skill-Building Activities and Student Support in STEM Courses

Presented By: Faculty of Arts & Science Registration Assessing gains in communication skills in a large online statistics course Presenters: Nathalie Moon and Samantha-Jo Caetano (Assistant Professors, Teaching Stream, Statistical Sciences) In 2020-22, our foundational first-year statistics course shifted to being offered fully online (~500 students/term). We conducted a study over this period to investigate […]

Generative AI Works in Progress Series- Cultivating Discernment in Skill Development in using ChatGPT

The Generative AI Works in Progress series is a new offering designed to encourage ongoing, open, institutional-level conversations about generative AI in teaching and learning. Over the Winter 2024 term, the series will offer a range of one-hour presentations targeted towards a broad teaching and learning audience where current questions, ideas, inquiries or works in […]

Engaging Students with Hypothesis Social Annotation

Facilitators:Christie DeCarolis, Customer Success Manager, HypothesisJustin Fletcher, Faculty Liaison Coordinator, Teaching, Learning and TechnologyAdding social annotation to course readings can help students develop essential critical thinking skills. In this interactive and hands-on session, Christie DeCarolis from Hypothesis will discuss how you can implement collaborative annotation with Hypothesis to make student reading visible, active, and social. […]

Monitor-Side Chats: UDL-ing in Winter 2024: UDL Guideline 5: Expression & Communication (internalizing representation)

Name: CTSI Room 4035 Address: Robarts Library, 4th Floor 130 St. George Street Toronto Ontario M5S 3H1

Discussions about practical applications and concrete strategies of Universal Design for LearningFor March 1st session: learn more about UDL Guideline #5: Provide Options for Expression and Communication (https://udlguidelines.cast.org/action-expression/expression-communication)The average student does not exist. So, how do we design learning environments that maximize learning for all students?Universal Design for Learning (UDL) (https://udlguidelines.cast.org/) is a framework for minimizing […]

Microteaching (In-Person)

Name: Robarts Library Rm 4035 Address: 130 St. George St. Toronto ON M5S 1A5

Community-Engaged Learning Partnership Roundtable: What Your Community Partners Want You to Know

Presented By: Centre for Community Partnerships REGISTER Join us for a roundtable discussion where representatives from three nonprofit organizations will share their expertise about the nonprofit sector and offer recommendations to university staff and faculty about how to center reciprocity and community-identified priorities in community-engaged learning (CEL) initiatives. Community partners will share the benefits and […]

Monitor-Side Chats: UDL-ing in Winter 2024: UDL Guideline 9: Self Regulation (accessing action and expression)

Name: CTSI Room 4035 Address: Robarts Library, 4th Floor 130 St. George Street Toronto Ontario M5S 3H1

Discussions about practical applications and concrete strategies of Universal Design for LearningFor March 8th session: learn more about UDL Guideline #9: Provide Options for Self Regulation (https://udlguidelines.cast.org/engagement/self-regulation)The average student does not exist. So, how do we design learning environments that maximize learning for all students?Universal Design for Learning (UDL) (https://udlguidelines.cast.org/) is a framework for minimizing barriers […]

    Event Categories Legend

  • Centre for Community Partnerships
  • Centre for Faculty Development
  • Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation
  • Digital Learning Innovations
  • Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering
  • Faculty of Arts & Science, Teaching & Learning
  • Office of Vice-Provost, Innovations in Undergraduate Education
  • School of Graduate Studies
  • Teaching Assistants' Training Program
  • Teaching, Learning and Technology (ARC Support)
  • Temerty Faculty of Medicine
  • University of Toronto Libraries
  • University of Toronto Mississauga
  • University of Toronto Scarborough
  • Reset
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