Self-Paced Programs

CTSI’s self-paced programs allow U of T instructors the opportunity to explore pedagogical topics and resources at their own pace, and discover ways to engage with their students both online and in-person.

If you have any questions about these programs, please contact

Course Design Foundations

The Course Design Foundations (CDF) program is a set of 7 self-paced online modules that will be most beneficial for instructors new to teaching and/or new to teaching at U of T. It will also serve as a great refresher for more experienced instructors. Through the lenses of inclusive pedagogy and Universal Design for Learning, participants learn the elements of integrated course design: constructive alignment, learning outcomes, effective assessment, learning activities and instruction, and building your course (e.g. syllabus design, choosing the right tools and technologies, etc.).

Instructors can choose to complete all modules sequentially or dip in and out, completing only those modules that are of interest to them. This is a living resource that will be updated regularly.

Active Learning Classroom (ALC) Hub

The ALC Hub is designed to provide pedagogical guidance and support resources for instructors teaching in Active Learning Classrooms (ALCs) at U of T. Instructors and Teaching Assistants can leverage the resources and activities in the Hub to help them navigate teaching in ALCs across all three campuses and maximize the affordances in these classrooms to enhance student learning in line with their pedagogical goals.

By the end of this program, you will be able to:

  1. define active learning in the context of teaching in an active learning classroom at the University of Toronto
  2. identify technologies and strategies for facilitating student-centred learning in active learning classrooms
  3. develop a plan to implement active learning approaches in an active learning classroom

Build a Welcoming Home Page in Quercus

Your Course Home Page sets the tone for your course and often is the source of a student’s first impression of your course. This program provides you with the tools you need to build an inviting and welcoming learning environment, starting with the Course Home Page. We anticipate this program will take up to two hours to complete.

By the end of this program, you will be able to:

  1. describe social presence, teaching presence, and cognitive presence as part of the community of inquiry model
  2. utilize the Rich Content Editor in Quercus to edit text and include audiovisual materials on Quercus Pages
  3. create a Course Home Page that fosters social presence, teaching presence, and cognitive presence

Visit CTSI Programming or the Teaching and Learning Calendar to learn more about our events, sessions and co-hort programs. You can also view a selection of past online workshops.

Any questions should be directed to

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