External Resources
Research and Perspectives
Peer-Reviewed Publications
- de Roock, Roberto Santiago. “To Become an Object Among Objects: Generative Artificial ‘Intelligence,’ Writing, and Linguistic White Supremacy.” Reading Research Quarterly, 2024.
- Murray, Nathan, and Elisa Tersigni. “Can Instructors Detect AI-Generated Papers? Postsecondary Writing Instructor Knowledge and Perceptions of AI.” Journal of Applied Learning & Teaching, vol 7, no. 2, 2024.
- Revell, et al. “ChatGPT versus Human Essayists: An Exploration of the Impact of Artificial Intelligence for Authorship and Academic Integrity in the Humanities.” International Journal for Educational Integrity, vol. 20, no. 18, 2024.
- Waltzer, Tal, Celeste Pilegard, and Gail D. Heman. “Can You Spot the Bot? Identifying AI-Generated Writing in College Essays.” International Journal for Educational Integrity, vol 20., no. 11, 8 July 2024.
Critical Perspectives on AI and Teaching
- Hall, Susanne. “In Teaching with Gen AI, Consider Sustainability.” Inside Higher Ed, 22 August 2024.
- Mowreader, Ashley. “Employers Say Students Need AI Skills. What If Students Don’t Want Them?” Inside Higher Ed, 15 October 2024.
- Sobo, Elisa, et al, “‘I Don’t Want to Be Taught and Graded by a Robot’: Student-Teacher Relations in the Age of Generative AI.” Anthropology News, 18 June 2024.
Relevant Guides and Commentaries
- AI Pedagogy – Harvard’s metaLAB provides guidance on how instructors might integrate AI into their teaching, and how to do so responsibly.
- Generative AI Primer – The National Centre for AI, a non-profit in the UK.
- One Useful Thing – Professor Ethan Mollick’s blog takes a research informed view on the impact of AI.
- What are LLMs and generative AI? A beginners’s guide to the technology turning heads – Schwartz Reisman Institute for Technology and Society.
- Artificial Intelligence and Teaching - Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning, University of Calgary.
Practical Applications
Prompting Guidance in Teaching
- Prompt Library – Professors Ethan Mollick and Lilach Mollick have created a resource of prompts to use in teaching.
- GenAI Chatbot Prompt Library for Educators – Sample prompts are provided, relevant for use in teaching across disciplines.
Assessment Design Libraries
- Exploring AI Pedagogy, A Community Collection of Teaching Reflection: This collection of pedagogical reflections on AI-integrated assessments is part of an initiative of the MLA-CCCC Joint Task Force on AI and Writing (The Modern Language Association and Conference on College Composition and Communication).
- McMaster University, Sample Assessment Library: As part of a research project, this library provides summaries of how instructors across institutions have engaged with AI tools.
- MetaLab at Harvard, AI Pedagogy Project: This library provides example of assignments that integrate AI tools from across institutions.
- Yale University, Poorvu Center for Teaching & Learning: This resource provides examples of how Yale instructors have redesigned elements of their courses to address GenAI tools.
- University of North Dakota, AI Assignment Library: This resource provides a curated list of how UND instructors have integrated AI tools into assessments.