Tool Guides

Welcome to the Academic Toolbox

This is the search page for specific individual tools available in the U of T Academic Toolbox.

Within the search area below, you can select Toggle Filters to sort the Tool Guides based on integrations type or place in the Academic Toolbox category.  Our Tool Finder provides a menu of tools in various pedagogical categories. 

Not sure which tool you need? 
View our Teaching with Technology resources to assist your decision.

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The Redirect tool allows instructors and course staff to add custom links to the course navigation menu. The custom links can be created for external web resources or other Quercus pages.
There are a variety of reports and data available in Quercus to make it easy to see what is happening in your course. Access course data from Quercus to better understand student interactions, the effectiveness of quiz questions or assig
Microsoft 365, available to University of Toronto faculty, students, and staff, offers a variety of tools and applications, many of which can be used to support teaching and learning goals.
Canvas notifications is an automatic way to stay on top of activity in your courses as well as contributing to communication with your students.
You can view all your quizzes in your course on the Quizzes page. You can also
Examity is a secure live proctoring solution for online exams.
ProctorU is a secure remote exam proctoring solution.
The New Analytics tool provides instructors with information on student progress in the course, including identifying overall grade patterns and individual student achievement.
Modules allow instructors to determine the order and structure (eg. by week, unit, or topic) in which the content will be released to the end-user to provide a guided learning experience.
Add someone to your course using the People tab on your course Navigation bar.  
Organizing the students in your Quercus course into a Group Set allows you to administer group work and facilitate communication to and between the group members.
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