
Please note: A CTSI staff member will reply to your consultation request within 2–3 business days.

We offer support in the following areas:

  • Teaching dossier review (CTSI dossier consultations are available to instructors with continuing appointments who are preparing for an interim or probationary review, tenure or continuing status review, or promotion)
    • Please note that instructors at UTM and UTSC can also receive dossier support through their campus teaching centres.
  • Teaching strategies
  • Interpreting course evaluation data
  • Course design, development and review
  • Working with graduate students and teaching assistants
  • Using educational technology in the classroom
  • Online learning
  • Teaching award nominations
  • Research on pedagogical topics (Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, or SoTL)

Quercus and Educational Technology Consultations

Book a 15- or 30-minute virtual consultation with a Faculty Liaison from the Teaching, Learning and Technology team at the Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation (CTSI) to discuss questions you have related to your Quercus and educational technology for your upcoming course(s). Consultations are available for the following categories:

  • Quercus: copying courses, building and organizing course content, creating modules and pages, using the Rich Content Editor, setting up assignments / quizzes / rubrics / Gradebook
  • Turnitin: migrating from Ouriginal to Turnitin, setting up new assignments
  • Microsoft Copilot: logging into protected mode, getting started with Microsoft Copilot, writing prompts
  • GenAI: tweaking assessment instructions and rubrics, incorporating AI literacy
  • Accessibility in teaching and learning: checking accessibility in Quercus, structuring documents, generating captions and transcripts, introducing the Immersive Reader

You will have the opportunity to indicate your preference for an in-person consultation in the booking form. For virtual consultations, you will automatically receive a Microsoft Teams meeting link for your consultation appointment.

Please note that consultation bookings are available from August 19 to 23, 26 to 30, and September 3 to 6, 9 to 13, 2024. Outside of these dates or if you anticipate requiring more than 15 or 30 minutes, please submit a request via the CTSI consultation request form.

Questions about Quercus?

Contact for questions about using Quercus (U of T’s learning management engine) and other educational technology tools.

CTSI Teaching Feedback Services

The Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation (CTSI) offers services that provide instructors with formative feedback on different aspects of their teaching:

  • Quercus Course Review: How Quercus is used in a course to support teaching and learning
  • Teaching Observations: Instructional practices in a class session (in-person or online synchronous)
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