Course Design

The following resources and strategies support instructors as they prepare courses for the in-person or online environment. If you would like to meet with a CTSI staff member to discuss course design, please submit a consultation request.

If you are planning an online course, the Course Design for Online module provides resources and testimonials to support your process.

Information on Curriculum Development can be found on the Vice-Provost, Innovations in Undergraduate Education website.

Developing or Redesigning a Course

Before you get started designing a new course or revising an existing one, consider the following:


Developing a Course Syllabus

Developing a Course Syllabus provides guidance on your syllabi, including divisional guidelines and policies, copyright information, and how to use your syllabus as a learning tool.

Course readings and reserves support through UTL (course reading list review, purchase transactional licenses, make your readings available online or at your preferred library)

Sample Statements for Your Course Syllabus

Sample Statements for Your Course Syllabi on:

  • Academic integrity
  • Equity, diversity and inclusion
  • Recording online course meetings
  • Accommodation

Developing Learning Outcomes

Developing Learning Outcomes takes you through the process of identifying and developing effective learning outcomes and integrating them into your assignments. 

Active Verbs for Bloom's Revised Taxonomy

Definitions and attributes for each of the six levels of Active Verbs for Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy, along with Active Verbs that should be used when developing learning outcomes. 

Universal Design for Learning

Universal Design for Learning (UDL), a framework that allows for multiple means of representation, action and expression, and engagement. UDL promotes inclusive practices that work to increase accessibility by reducing barriers (physical and cognitive) and build sustaining and evolving learning environments for all learners.

Active Learning

Active Learning at the University of Toronto provides strategies and activities to engage your students in-person and online.

Equity Diversity and Inclusion

CTSI and U of T resources to support instructors in their efforts to ensure equal access and to design and deliver courses with equity, diversity and inclusion in mind.

Working with TAs

Teaching Assistants are a vital component to U of T’s teaching and learning community, and support both students and instructors throughout a course. CTSI offers a number of resources for working with your TAs:

Using Rubrics

Sample rubrics to support you in planning assessment and assignments for your course.

Teaching Assistants' Training Program

For information on graduate student and Teaching Assistant professional development and job training, please visit the TATP for resources, events and more.

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Enroll in the SoTL Hub to access resources, share ideas and engage with your U of T community.

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