Planning and Delivering Your Courses

There are so many things to do before you step into a classroom or log on to your online course. These resources will support you through course, assignment and syllabus design. Help you develop learning outcomes, support your TA teaching team, work with a librarian for course materials and developing your students research skills. Provide easy access to U of T resources that support your teaching and engage your students.

Many tools and support resources are available to help you move your classes online, engage your students in remote learning and meet course learning objectives. Most of the activities can be implemented through Quercus. The guidance provided in this section focuses on assessing you and your students’ readiness for the move to teaching and learning in an online context.

Accessibility Guidelines

Web Content Accessible Design Principles: POUR Perceivable: web-based content and interface components must be presented in ways that all users can perceive. This takes into consideration the effect of colour,

Online Course Design Guidelines

The following guidelines provide a roadmap for instructors during the course design process or as a “self-evaluation” tool to assist instructors in revision of an existing online course using the

Online Proctoring

ARC Major Projects – Update There is currently an ongoing RFx review of Online Proctoring Solutions for the Academic Toolbox.  Please see the Academic, Research & Collaborative Technologies (ARC) Major

Planning Online Learning

The following are suggested readings as a research-informed introduction to theory and practice of online learning. Community of Inquiry: Theoretical framework represents a process of creating a deep and meaningful

Multiple Choice Question and Quiz Tips

This information is also available to download as a printable pdf:   Multiple-Choice-Question-and-Quiz-Tips.pdf Vocabulary Multiple choice questions consist of a stem or question, and alternatives or options including the correct

First Class Strategies

The following tips and resources are designed to support instructors as they begin a new course, in-person or online. Divisions and departments might have resources specific to their individual needs

Developing a Course Syllabus

Before crafting your University of Toronto course syllabus: Check with your own Division or home unit to identify the relevant local policies and procedures that need to be considered or

Sample Statements for Your Course Syllabi

The following statements may be included on your course syllabus. For assistance in drafting additional statements, please feel free to contact the Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation at

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