
What Can I Use It For?

person using MacBook Pro

ExamSoft External Link icon offers a market-leading assessment-management solution that supports the entire testing process, including exam creation, administration, delivery, scoring, and analysis.

This Academic Toolbox tool helps you...
Assess student work & provide feedback
Typical course activity format:
Synchronous or asynchronous
Quercus integration

Where can I get more support?

Related resources / similar tools

Alternative funding model
Alternative Cost Model Details

Program to cover the cost

How to Get Started

ExamSoft External Link icon offers a assessment-management solution that supports the entire testing process, including exam creation, administration, delivery, scoring, and analysis.

How to Use This Tool

ExamSoft External Link icon offers a market-leading assessment-management solution that supports the entire testing process, including exam creation, administration, delivery, scoring, and analysis. The software delivers powerful, actionable data to assess learning outcomes, and is backed by a world-class support team.

The University of Toronto has a contract with ExamSoft. Departments who wish to use ExamSoft for delivery of computer-based (including online) exams will need to make arrangements directly with the company, with the understanding that the cost for using this software is on a per-student basis, borne by the department that is using the system. Departments interested in leveraging Examsoft can write to q.help@utoronto.ca.

Instructors interested in leveraging ExamSoft should contact their divisional support.

Last Modified:

20 June, 2024

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