Tool Guides

Welcome to the Academic Toolbox

This is the search page for specific individual tools available in the U of T Academic Toolbox.

Within the search area below, you can select Toggle Filters to sort the Tool Guides based on integrations type or place in the Academic Toolbox category.  Our Tool Finder provides a menu of tools in various pedagogical categories. 

Not sure which tool you need? 
View our Teaching with Technology resources to assist your decision.

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Microsoft 365 is available to University of Toronto faculty, students, and staff, offers a variety of tools and applications, many of which can be used to support teaching and learning goals.
For general information regarding use of proctoring tools at U of T, see our
Clipchamp can be accessed in multiple ways, using your University of Toronto login. Clipchamp | Microsoft 365 -through the Microsoft link Through th
You can access the Accessibility Checker in different Microsoft 365 apps by following these steps: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote: Go to the Review tab on the ribbon.
The University of Toronto currently has an agreement with Gradescope that will make the tool interact with Quercus. Each division of the University has its own policies and practices regarding access to, use of, and support of Gra
The icon to open the Quercus Accessibility Checker is located at the bottom of individual pages. Selecting the icon, which is the image of a man within a circle, will open a pane at the side of the main window that shows each flagged iss
When creating or editing an assignment in Quercus, choose “Online” and “File Uploads” as the Submission Type,  and then choose “Turnitin Plagiarism Framework” in the Plagiarism Review section:
Navigate to:   Choose one of the 3 selections provided:
Navigate to:   Choose one of the 2 selections provided:
WeBWorK is an open-source online homework system for math and science courses. WeBWorK is supported by the M
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