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Planning and Delivering Your Course Many of the resources on this site can support the planning and delivery of a large class, whether online or in-person. You could start by reviewing: Active Learning at the University of Toronto Course…
Letter Grades A number of potential issues regarding the use of letter grades in Quercus have been identified. Problems can occur when using the Gradebook or the SpeedGrader. Attention all instructors using letter grades in Quercus: …
Mid-course evaluations are generally informal, qualitative evaluations (but can include quantitative questions) created and administered by the instructor sometime near or shortly before the mid-point of the course. These evaluations may ad…
Assessing Course Development and New Teaching Practices Assessing the success of a new course, assignment, or teaching strategy can provide valuable information for your own teaching development and for formal evaluation of your teaching. T…
This resource has been developed to help guide instructors’ preparations and decision-making when designing a course for online/remote delivery and taking into account students who may have different learning and access needs based on techn…
This tip sheet draws on many faculty experiences included in the CTSI report Faculty Mentoring for Teaching Report (pdf). How to be a "Champion of Teaching" Ensure there are formative opportunities for instructors to receive feedback on t…
This tip sheet draws on many faculty experiences included in the CTSI report Faculty Mentoring for Teaching Report (pdf). Communicate and Connect Around Mentoring for Teaching Ask your Chair about formal and informal teaching mentors avail…
See below for quick reference to key components to consider when setting up your online or remote learning environment. For more information on online learning topics and/or educational technology tools: use related topic links on the righ…
U of T Quercus: Integrated Tools to Facilitate Teaching and Learning The University of Toronto’s academic technology toolbox is powered by Quercus.  Quercus is based on the Canvas Learning Management Engine by Instructure, which offers adv…
Tool Finder Are you wondering which tools to choose to achieve learning goals for your course? Use our Tool Finder to see guides for the various tools in our Academic Toolbox.  You can also reach out for guidance on using the tools that bes…
This page contains recordings of workshops from the Centre for Teaching Support and Innovation (CTSI) and their associated resources, covering various aspects of teaching and learning, as well as Quercus and the Academic Toolbox. Some of ou…
View Quercus Course Templates We have created course templates to provide instructors and instructional staff with a framework for using the Quercus tools to build their own course sites. View the course templates using the links below, and…
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