Quercus course templates and example courses

View Quercus Course Templates

We have created course templates to provide instructors and instructional staff with a framework for using the Quercus tools to build their own course sites. View the course templates using the links below, and consult the instructions if you wish to import the template(s) into your course.

Download and Import Quercus Course Templates

Follow these steps to import a Quercus course template into your course:

  1. Download the course template file (from the list below or from your local Ed Tech office).
  2. Log in to Quercus.
  3. Select the course that into which you would like to import the Example Online/Remote Course template, such as your Sandbox course.
  4. In the Course Menu, select Settings.
  5. On the right-hand side set of menu options, select Import Course Content
  6. For Import Content, in the drop-down menu for the content type, select Canvas Course Export Package
  7. Choose the file that has been downloaded to your computer and select Open:
    • For the Example Course Template, choose the file called
    • For the Assessment and Feedback in Quercus Template, choose the file called “assessment-and-feedback-in-quercus-template-course-export.imscc
  8. Select All Content or on Select specific content, depending on which materials you would like to import.
  9. Select the Import button.

For detailed step-by-step instructions, visit How do I import a Canvas course export package? External Link icon


Verify Course Settings After Import

When importing a course template, your current course will inherit some settings from the template. Please verify the following settings after importing a course template:

Example Courses

Example Course In Quercus

Example Remote/Online Course Template Will Heikoop – Digital Learning Innovation, U of T

This course is an example of a fully online course. It includes tips and strategies, as well as some resources to help you be successful in this mode of learning.  It includes an online student resource called Is Taking An Online Course Right For Me External Link icon

Download this Course Package

Download the course template package for uploading into your own Quercus website/shell. Review the step-by-step instructions on  How do I import a Canvas Course export Package? External Link icon

INFO 101: Research Essentials External Link icon Zoe Fisher – Pierce College U of Colorado

This course has examples of Modules that use headers and indentation, the Syllabus (PDF and tool), and Outcomes. The overall design of this course is well presented into showing the structure that faculty can design their course, as well as it gives examples of assignments and quizzes.

CMPT363 D100 User Interface Design External Link icon Paul David Hibbitts – SFU

This course’s content is embedded from a separate site the instructor controls. The site makes use of the Grades tool, Modules and Syllabus.

Note: image does not link.

CMPT363 E100 User Interface Design by Paul David Hibbitts - SFU

Introduction to Records Management for University Employees (SFU) External Link icon Joy Rowe – SFU

This course has good organization (Modules, tool links in content). This has a good example of the front page and it answers the questions how modules are an endless scroll. It shows you can link the modules to the home page. 

Mastering Academic Research: Information Skills for Successful Students External Link icon Katie Bradford – Canvas Network

This course features Home Page with a  “Start Here” and an “About You” survey that immediately guides student through the content. It shows an example of how creative you can get when designing your home page for your course.

Tool examples built by Toolbox Renewal Project External Link icon Hoyeon (John) Cho, Phillip Christoffersen, Matt Clare, Sankhi Liyanage – University of Toronto

This course was prepared as an example of a variety of different configurations of Quercus’ primary tools.

Examples in the Canvas Network

The Canvas Network External Link icon is a open learning platform that uses the same Canvas technology that powers Quercus.

Teaching Assistants' Training Program

For information on graduate student and Teaching Assistant professional development and job training, please visit the TATP for resources, events and more.

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Enroll in the SoTL Hub to access resources, share ideas and engage with your U of T community.

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