Rich Content Editor Icon Maker

What Can I Use It For?

Icon image

The Rich Content editor Icon Maker allows instructors to create simple icons for their courses.

This Academic Toolbox tool helps you...
Organize content / Connect & communicate
Typical course activity format:
Synchronous or asynchronous
Quercus integration
Built-in tool

Where can I get more support?

Related resources / similar tools

Centrally funded

How to Get Started

The Rich Content editor Icon Maker allows instructors to create simple icons for their courses.


  • Select Icon Maker Icon

    The Icon Maker is available from the Rich Content Editor (RCE) on Pages, Announcements, and other locations where editing is available. Icon Maker icon on Rich Content Editor

    Select Create Icon Maker Icon from the menu.

    Icon Maker Menu - select Create Icon Maker Icon

  • Create a New Icon

    After selecting Create Icon Maker Icon, you can choose various options:

    • Text size
    • Text colour
    • Text background colour
    • Text position

    Note on colour: if you don’t see the colours you want, you can enter an HMTL colour code of your choice.

    Choose an image:

    • Upload image – upload image from  your computer
    • Single / Multi color Image
    • Course Image – previously added media

    Image options for Icon Maker

    Once you pick the desired options, select Apply to add it to the RCE text book and to Saved Icon Maker Icons.

    When complete, icons display in the content editor.

  • Use Saved Icon

    On the Rich Content Editor (RCE) select the pull-down arrow next to the Icon Maker icon.

    Select Saved Icon Maker Icons.

    Select the previously created icon that you wish to use. It will be inserted into your text area.



Last Modified:

20 January, 2023

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