Captioning videos is important for accessibility reasons as well as Universal Design for Learning principles. There are various methods to auto-generate captions that can be downloaded and shared on a University of Toronto hosting platform. 

These programs use speech recognition to generate captions:

  • Classic Microsoft Stream
  • The new Stream (OneDrive/Sharepoint)
  • Zoom and the Zoom Quercus Integration
Accessibility Information
Videos hosted online by U of T that are available to the general public must be accompanied by transcripts or captioned for compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA). For general information on the AODA see the  University of Toronto AODA Office website. Specific details on accessible media are on the AODA Office Accessible Communications page. 

Overview of Captioning & Hosting Tools

University of Toronto offers several ways to generate recordings.  We recommend using Microsoft Stream or Zoom for their captioning capabilities.

Please read below on how to caption videos created by the various institutionally-available recording tools and how to share captions on those platforms.

Please note:

  • Microsoft Teams recordings with transcriptions that are saved to OneDrive or SharePoint can be viewed along with the transcription; however, the captions can’t be edited for accuracy. 
  • MyMedia does not have a method for generating captions however an caption file from Stream or Zoom can be uploaded to the site along with a video.

Classic Microsoft Stream

Main Features
  • x Used to host, not record
  • ✓ Can autogenerate captions
  • ✓ Can edit captions in app
  • ✓ Can download caption file for edits
  • ✓ Can upload captions with recording
  • ✓ Search transcript (future feature)
  • ✓ Transcripts in other languages (future feature)
Microsoft Stream uses speech-recognition technology to automatically create captions for videos. Classic Stream hosts videos within the application. Classic MS Stream is still available for hosting and captioning. The platform is in the process of being redeveloped by Microsoft and eventually all videos will be hosted on MS OneDrive or SharePoint, depending on how they were recorded. The ability to caption and share within the New MS Stream is still being implemented. We will update this documentation when the ability to correct captions in the program becomes fully available. For information on captioning video in OneDrive/Sharepoint, please view the Microsoft Teams tab.
Autogenerate Captions on Videos
Follow instructions for Microsoft Stream Hosting and Sharing.
  1. Ensure that under Details your Video Language is set to English. Select English under language
  2. Under the Options tab, choose: Autogenerate captions.
  3. Once your captions have been generated, a transcript will show to the right of the video in MS Stream.
  Edit Captions
Autogenerated captions are not always accurate and will usually need corrections. You can edit them directly in Microsoft Stream.
  1. Go to the Transcript shown in the pane to the right of the video.
  2. Select the pencil icon in the top right of the transcript box. Select pencil icon to edit transcript
  3. The edit transcript function allows you to select individual timestamp segments and make the changes you need.
  4. Select Save to accept the change. Type changes and Save them.
  Download Autogenerated Captions to Edit Offline
If your caption file requires significant changes, you may wish to edit it offline. There are a number of apps that you can use, including a text editor.
  1. Access your Videos and change video details by going back to the top menu and selecting My Content > Videos . Go to My Content tab and select Videos
  2. Select the three dots to the right of the “Like” button and select “Update video details” from the drop-down menu. Select 3 dots and Update Video Details
  3. On the video details page, select Options and find the captioning information. Download captions file
  4. To edit this file you will need to download it by selecting the Download link. It will download to your local computer.
  5. If you choose to edit in a text editor like Notepad you will need to change the suffix (.vtt) to .txt. Alternatively, you can use the “Open with” function to open the .vtt with Notepad or other text editor. If you use a text editor, once the corrections are complete, you will need to change the file extension back from .txt to .vtt and it is ready to upload.
  6. You may also choose to use a code editor like Visual Studio Code, which will provide colour context and other useful features. It is free to download. You can right-click on the Caption (.vtt) file and open with Code to edit. There is no need to change the suffix. Save frequently. Save prior to closing. Once finished, you can upload the .vtt file a needed.
  Edit Captions
Important: Only edit the text of the captions. Do not change the header, timestamps, or codes included in the file.Use the program of your choice to make corrections to your captions file. Common errors are punctuation, abbreviations, and the names of individuals and departments.  We recommend listening to the recording (adjusting the speed to .50) to understand context while making corrections.

Upload Corrected Transcript

Once you have finished and saved a corrected file on your computer, you will need to upload it to MS Stream again. Alternative, you may upload the video and caption file to MyMedia (see following tab). To upload the correct transcript to MS Stream:
  1. Return to the Videos page, select the video, and Update Video Details. Select 3 dots and Update Video Details
  2. Under Options, find the Captions section.
  3. Uncheck the “Autogenerate captions” checkbox.
  4. You will now see the text “Upload a caption file.” Upload the captions file
  5. Select the link and select the updated caption file on your computer.
  6. Once uploaded, the newly corrected transcript should appear to the right of your video.

Captioning Resources


Vendor Documentation

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