Generative AI Tools

Microsoft Copilot

Currently, Microsoft Copilot is the recommended generative AI tool to use at U of T. When a user signs in using University credentials, Microsoft Copilot conforms to U of T’s privacy and security standards (i.e., does not share any data with Microsoft or any other company).

It is also free to use. Microsoft Copilot uses OpenAI’s GPT-4 model and performs comparably to ChatGPT. For more information about Copilot, refer to our Copilot Tool Guide.

How Generative AI Works

Are you interested in learning how generative AI works? A good introduction is provided by the Schwartz Reisman Institute for Technology and Society’s “What are LLMs and generative AI? A beginners’s guide to the technology turning heads”. You could also consider:

The responses you receive from a generative AI tool depend on the prompts you enter, and the further refining of these prompts, which takes practice. As Ethan Mollick said, “The lesson is that just using AI will teach you how to use AI.” (Working with AI: Two Paths to Prompting) To get started, we recommend you consider the following.

U of T instructors and staff can explore generative AI and practice using prompts with Microsoft Copilot.  

Other Approved Generative AI Tools

Microsoft Copilot is a general-purpose chatbot. With thoughtful prompting, it can be used for many teaching and learning purposes (e.g., see Ethan and Lilach Mollick’s More Useful Things site for a comprehensive prompt library). However, many other educational generative AI chatbots and tools are being developed that incorporate pre-defined prompts out of the box.

Contact North is a not-for-profit, Government of Ontario-supported organization that has developed two generative AI teaching and learning tools (also based on OpenAI’s GPT-4 model), both of which conform to U of T’s privacy and security standards:

Other tools that conform to U of T’s privacy and security standards will be referenced here as they become available.

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