Online discussion with and between students in a course can be a very powerful and effective teaching tool. Quercus has a built-in discussion tool, and at the University of Toronto, Instructors also have the option of using either Quercus Discussions, PeppeR, or Piazza. Instructors should be aware that once a discussion board is enabled, they should carefully monitor the correspondence in the discussion to make sure students are using the tool effectively. Instructors who have not built this monitoring into their course’s design may wish to avoid turning on discussion tools. For more about best teaching practices, please visit the Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation’s Student Engagement section

There are a variety of features in each Discussion board – for a comparison of some features offered in each specific board, please see the chart below:

Discussion Boards Features

Chart comparing discussion boards tool features

Download Discussion Boards Features

Teaching Assistants' Training Program

For information on graduate student and Teaching Assistant professional development and job training, please visit the TATP for resources, events and more.

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Enroll in the SoTL Hub to access resources, share ideas and engage with your U of T community.

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