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U of T Quercus: Integrated Tools to Facilitate Teaching and Learning The University of Toronto’s academic technology toolbox is powered by Quercus.  Quercus is based on the Canvas Learning Management Engine by Instructure, which offers adv…
Tool Finder Are you wondering which tools to choose to achieve learning goals for your course? Use our Tool Finder to see guides for the various tools in our Academic Toolbox.  You can also reach out for guidance on using the tools that bes…
This page contains recordings of workshops from the Centre for Teaching Support and Innovation (CTSI) and their associated resources, covering various aspects of teaching and learning, as well as Quercus and the Academic Toolbox. Some of ou…
View Quercus Course Templates We have created course templates to provide instructors and instructional staff with a framework for using the Quercus tools to build their own course sites. View the course templates using the links below, and…
Course-level roles are roles with permissions that allow a user course-level access. Usually users with these roles cannot see more than what is in their Canvas courses. Note: All user permissions trickle down through an account. Additional…
ACT Major Projects - Update There is currently an ongoing RFx review of Online Grading Solutions for the Academic Toolbox.  Please see the Academic & Collaborative Technologies (ACT) Major Projects Update Wiki for the most recent…
ARC Major Projects - Update Following an open tendering process for discussion tools, the ED discussion tool is no longer available as an integrated and supported tool in our Academic Toolbox. For the September 2023 - April 2024 academic y…
Before beginning the process of proposing or revising a course, you should consult with your department and Division to confirm any guidelines and requirements. Developing or redesigning a course can demonstrate commitment to improving teac…
Support is direct with the vendor, Gravic. Please see their web site for a free demo and tour of Office OMR at The software license is free to departments
Lecture Capture software available at U of T:   You can use webinar tools (MS Teams Meeting or Zoom) to create a meeting of one (just yourself) and using the built-in screen and camera tools, make a lecture capture. U of T’s licensed lect…
Instructors: feel free to share this support page with your students Quercus Tools: Quercus Discussions Discussions Quercus Discussions allow course participants can have an online conversation. Overview Discussions are a common…
Audio and Video Recording of Lectures and Class Sessions More information on Recording Technologies can be found on the Academic, Research and Collaborative Technologies site.   There are several possible reasons a lecture o…
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