Quercus Cross-Listing

What Can I Use It For?

Cross-listing allows Instructors to combine the enrolments from multiple sections into a single course. Instructors who teach multiple sections of the same course (such as multiple lecture, tutorial, practicum, or lab sections) may wish to use cross-listing to merge these sections into one course and only manage a single course’s content and grades.

After sections have been cross-listed into one course the Instructor and others can filter many areas by the original section information.

Special Notes

Sections can be de-cross-listed, however this requires assistance from your divisional Quercus administrator.

Cross-listing should be done while courses are unpublished and the child course must contain at least one enrollment. If you think you may want to de-cross-list the section in the future, make sure you are enrolled in both courses before cross-listing.

This Academic Toolbox tool helps you...
Organize content
Typical course activity format:
Synchronous or asynchronous
Quercus integration
Built-in tool

Where can I get more support?

Centrally funded

How to Get Started

Cross-listing allows Instructors to combine the enrolments from multiple sections into a single course.


  • How to Cross-List Courses


    Additional Information From Local Academic Units

    UTM (University of Toronto Mississauga)

    Cross-listing Multiple Courses/Sections in Quercus:


    Last Modified:

    17 May, 2024

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