Quercus New Analytics

What Can I Use It For?

person using macbook pro on black table

New Analytics provides individual and comparative data regarding student activities in the Quercus course.  It can help instructors to

  • Identify grade patterns (e.g., lowest, highest, average, median, frequencies, etc.),
  • Indicate if an assignment or an activity may not be aligned with learning outcomes,
  • Flag when a student may be struggling in a course (check in the early stages and throughout the course), and
  • Notify students by sending them targeted messages using the Dashboard.
Special Notes

The New Analytics tool provides instructors with information on student progress in the course. Information provided by New Analytics should be used as part of a larger set of support resources and tools at the academic Departments and the University.  For specific information regarding department/unit guidelines on student performance consult with your Chair or Dean.

New Analytics is only available at the course level for Instructors (Teacher), TA, and Course Staff roles. Students cannot view analytics through this tool.

It may take up to 24 hours for the data to appear for the reports, however some data may be delayed by 40 hours External Link. Only active student enrollments are included in data for New Analytics.


Note about Quercus (Canvas) System Performance:

New Analytics was successfully tested up to a course weight of 50,000.
A course weight is calculated as follows: (# of Students) X (# of Assignments).


Note: The New Analytics link is available in the Course Navigation Menu and the right sidebar of the course, by default. This replaces the previous Course Analytics.

To turn off New Analytics and return to the Course Analytics, go to the course Settings, click Feature Options tab, and select the green circled checkmark to the right of New Course and User Analytics and select Disabled.

This Academic Toolbox tool helps you...
Assess student work & provide feedback
Typical course activity format:
Synchronous or asynchronous
Quercus integration
Built-in tool

Where can I get more support?

Related resources / similar tools

Centrally funded

How to Get Started

The New Analytics tool provides instructors with information on student progress in the course, including identifying overall grade patterns and individual student achievement.


  • Access New Analytics in Your Quercus Course

    Access New Analytics in Your Quercus Course

    The New Analytics link is available in the Course Navigation Menu and the right sidebar of the course. This replaces the previous Course Analytics.

    New Analytics on the course navigation menu and the right sidebar of the course

    You can disable New Analytics and return to the Course Analytics in your course.

    1. In your Course Navigation Menu, click Settings.
    2. From the tabs at the top, click Feature Options.
    3. Find New Course and User Analytics, select the green circled checkmark, and select Disabled.
      The circled red X will indicate you have disabled New Course and User Analytics in your course.

    Disable New Analytics in Quercus course

  • New Analytics versus Course Analytics: Feature Comparison

    New Analytics versus Course Analytics: Feature Comparison

    Course Analytics New Analytics
    Course Location Right sidebar in course

    Course Analytics Sidebar

    Course Navigation Menu  &  Right sidebar in course

    New Analytics Sidebar and Options

    Link Visibility
    • Visible to Teachers, TA, Course Staff roles only
    • Not visible to students
    • Visible to Teachers, TA, Course Staff roles only
    • Not visible to students
    Data Provided to Instructors, TAs and Course Staff
    • Activity by Date reveals when students viewed a page or participated in the course.
    • Submissions allow you to see the percentage of students who have submitted each assignment in your course On Time, Late or not at all (Missing).
    • Grades provides a box and whisker plot of the distribution of students’ grades in the course (median, high and low scores, and performance from the 25th-75th percentile).
    • Students displays as a table showing Students, Page Views, Participations, Submissions (On Time, Late and Missing) and Current Score in the course. Clicking on an individual student name opens Student Analytics.
    Data Provided to Students Not Available Not Available

    A complete comparison chart is available from the Instructure community – New vs. Old Analytics


  • Using New Analytics - View Weekly Online Activity Analytics

    Using New Analytics

    View Weekly Online Activity Analytics

    New Analytics allows you to view weekly online activity in your course,  including the average number of page views and participation per week in your course in an interactive chart graph External Link or as a table External Link.

    1. On course navigation, click New Analytics
    2. Select Weekly Online Activity from the drop-down menu

    View Weekly Online Activity analytics

    The average page views is the average approximation of student activity across the course. Participation analytics are defined by specific actions a student takes in the course and can be used to identify trends in the course.

    For analytical comparisons, instructors can compare graph data External Link or compare table data External Link by filtering a section or student.

    To view analytics for an individual student External Link, click the student’s name.

    View Data Status

    The analytics tool’s data is updated every 24 hours. To update the students’ grades in the tool, you have to enter grades as you would normally enter in your Gradebook. You can verify this information on the right side upper corner of the screen where the tool will display when was the last update to the data in Analytics.

    Weekly Online Activity

  • View Average Course Grade Analytics

    View Average Course Grade Analytics

    This feature allows instructors to track average course grades for student submissions using an interactive chart graph External Link or in a data table External Link

    1. On course navigation, click New Analytics
    2. Select Course Grade from the drop-down menu

    View Course Grade Analytics


    The average course grade is the average of all student totals from the Gradebook. Course analytics will show you student activity, assignment submissions, grades, and student names.

    For analytical comparisons, instructors can compare graph data External Link or compare table data External Link by filtering a section, student, or assignment.

    In the Filter field, you can filter data by sections or individual students.

    Note: You can only compare three items at the time, before comparing data between sections, students and all sections make sure the filters are cleared. The New Analytics tool is dynamic based on filtered content. By default, all sections are displayed and cannot be removed.

    You can also choose the assignment type you want to see by checking off the box next to  AssignmentsDiscussions and Quizzes.


    Choose type of Assignment - Assignments, Discussions, Quizzes


    In the filter tabs, you can start typing the name of a section or a student and autocomplete the name of the student/section. To remove the filtered student/section, click the x in the name. You can also enable shapes for improved contrast by selecting the 3 dots on the side and selecting display shapes.
    Enable shapes for improved contrast

    To compare data for a specific result, click the data point (shape) representing the item in the graph. The card will display additional metrics for the section name, assignment name, assignment due date, average grade for the assignment, low and high grades by percentage, and the number of missing and late submissions.

    Compare data - click shape on graph to display metrics

  • View Course Grade and Participation Analytics for Individual Students

    View Course Grade and Participation Analytics for Individual Students

    Student analytics show you how well a particular student is doing in your course.  To locate a student, you can sort the table by student name, current grade, percentage of assignments submitted on or before the due date, date of last participation, and date of last page view. To view analytics data for an individual student (Links to an external site.) click the name of the student in the student analytics table.

    View individual student analytics by selecting student name

    Available analytics include course grade, weekly online activity, and communication.


    Send a Message to Students Based on Grade or Participation Criteria

    You can send a message to students (Links to an external site.) whose grades or submissions are among three specific criterion:

    • grades are within a specific percentage range,
    • assignments are missing, or
    • assignments are late

    In order to send messages, click the message icon located to the right of the filter tab.

    Send a message to a student

    Selection criteria is applied to student performance on all assignments.

    Sent messages can be viewed within the Sent folder in the Conversations Inbox. Messages sent to more than one student are sent as individual messages.

    If you want to filter analytics for a specific assignment, section, or student, search for and select the intended filter in the Filter field. Then click the Message icon.

    Filter analytics for specific assignment, section, or students. Then select the Message icon.

  • Export analytics data as a CSV file

    Export analytics data as a CSV file

    In order to export analytics data to a .CSV file, click the Download icon located to the right of the filter tab (this download will contain a .CSV zip file)

    Export analytics by selecting the download icon

    The .CSV files will contain data according to the filters present at the moment of the download and the zip files include .CSV files for chart data, student table data, and resources table data.

  • Download Reports

    Download Reports

    You can download reports for missing assignments, late assignments, excused assignments, class roster, and course activity. Reports can be filtered depending on the report type.

    • New Analytics report data begins on the date that New Analytics was enabled in a published course.
    • In order for New Analytics to display in Canvas, third-party cookies may need to be enabled in your browser settings.

    To open and configure a report, select the “Reports” tab and then the “Run Report” button for the corresponding report:

    Select Report tab and Run Report next to report title

    Note:  Course Activity Report data may be delayed by 40 hours.


Privacy Considerations

This feature is only available at the course level for Instructors (Teacher), TA, and Course Staff roles. Students cannot view analytics through this tool.

Last Modified:

17 September, 2024

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