Quercus Modules and Pages

What Can I Use It For?

Example showing Quercus course organized with modules

Quercus course content can be presented in two ways: Pages and Modules.

Modules can link to Pages, and Pages can link to Modules.
Modules are a way to organize course content. Pages give flexibility on how to display course content.

Modules are a good way to guide students through course content, as the instructor has options to specify the sequence to follow; to lock content until a certain date; and to require students to complete activities or quizzes before going on to the next module.

Samples of Module Organization (Student Orientation) and Page Layout (Course Overview)


Special Notes

When you publish a module, all of the items in that module also become published. This is seen only after refreshing the webpage. If you would like to publish a module BUT there are certain module items that you do not want published: 1) publish the module, 2) refresh the webpage, and 3) unpublish any module items that you do not want to be available to students. .

This Academic Toolbox tool helps you...
Organize content
Typical course activity format:
Synchronous or asynchronous
Quercus integration
Built-in tool

Where can I get more support?

Centrally funded

How Are Faculty Using This Tool

Reassessing Assessment

U of T faculty members reflect on their experiences creating assessment in an online teaching environment. Resources can be found at the bottom of the page. Safieh Moghaddam, Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Associate Chair, Linguistics and Language Linguistics, UTSC During Fall 2020, in one of my C-level courses, I noticed that some of the students… Read more about Reassessing Assessment

How to Get Started

Modules allow instructors to determine the order and structure (eg. by week, unit, or topic) in which the content will be released to the end-user to provide a guided learning experience.

How to Use This Tool

Organizing your Course into Modules


Why use modules?
Organization. Allows the students to move through the course in a predetermined order set by the instructor.
Prerequisites. Help students avoid missing course content or assignments by setting completion prerequisites.
Monitor Progress. Help both the instructor and students monitor their progression through course content.

Pages can be created individually, then organized into Modules. You can also link pages to one another without using Modules.  Modules have the advantage of offering more flexibility, such as students having to meet certain prerequisites in order to gain access. or you can specify that students navigate through Modules in sequential order.


  • Create a New Module

  • Adding Items to your Module and Publishing Modules

  • Assigning Modules to Individual Students or Sections

  • Building and Publishing Pages in Your Course

  • Microsoft Immersive Reader



  • Quercus Overview of Pages and Modules

Last Modified:

27 August, 2024

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