Microsoft 365 OneDrive Assignments

What Can I Use It For?

The Microsoft 365 OneDrive integration allows instructors to share and collect assignments in Word, PowerPoint or Excel files within Quercus.

This integration is available in:

  • Course Navigation
  • Assignments
  • Rich Content Editor
  • Modules
  • Collaborations
This Academic Toolbox tool helps you...
Organize content / Connect & communicate / Assess student work & provide feedback / Teach from a distance
Typical course activity format:
Synchronous or asynchronous
Quercus integration
Integrated tool

Where can I get more support?

Related resources / similar tools

Centrally funded

How to Get Started

The Microsoft 365 integration allows instructors to assign and collect assignments Microsoft OneDrive files within Quercus.


  • Create Microsoft 365 OneDrive Assignments

    Cloud Assignments

    Instructors can create Cloud Assignments External Link icon through the Microsoft 365 external tool which embeds a document directly from their Microsoft 365 OneDrive folder. This assignment type creates a view of the assignment file that acts as a template for individual student assignment submissions.

    Office 365 Cloud Assignment

    Accepted assignment types are Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel.

    Students can open the document, make changes per the assignment instructions, and submit the edited template as their submission External Link icon via the Quercus assignment page. Instructors can view each student’s submission in SpeedGrader for grading.

    NOTE: Cloud assignments cannot be used for group assignments.

    File Upload Assignments

    Instructors can also continue to create regular file upload assignments. When an instructor allows file uploads, students can view the Office 365 tab and upload files directly from their OneDrive External Link icon.

    Office 365 file upload assignment

    The accepted file types are Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel, and PDF.

    NOTE: Students can only submit one Office 365 file for their submission.

    NOTE: When Office 365 files are uploaded as a submission, later changes made to the file in student’s OneDrive will not be updated in the submission.



Last Modified:

21 July, 2023

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