Library Reading List

What Can I Use It For?

assorted-title of books piled in the shelves

The Library Reading List application manages your course reserves material. This tool creates a single list of all the course materials you have requested for your class through the Library’s Course Reserves and Syllabus Service.

This Academic Toolbox tool helps you...
Organize content
Typical course activity format:
Synchronous or asynchronous
Quercus integration
Integrated tool

Where can I get more support?

Related resources / similar tools

Centrally funded

How to Get Started

The Library Reading List application manages course reserves material reserved through the University of Toronto Library’s Course Reserve and Syllabus Service System.  If you are using this service, it is recommended to add the Library Reading List navigation link to your Course Navigation menu.  See more information on adding the navigation link.

How to Use This Tool

The Library Reading List application manages course reserves material reserved through the University of Toronto Library’s Course Reserve and Syllabus Service System. This Library Reading List tool creates a list of all the course materials which is integrated into a Quercus course shell. It combines electronic articles, ebooks, streaming media, print books, and scanned PDFs into a single comprehensive list that is easy to use.

In addition, instructors can set aside – i.e., ‘reserve’ – physical items such as books and DVDs in the Course Reserves/Short Term Loan sections of various libraries at U of T for borrowing. ‘

Students will be able to access their course lists through the Library Course Reading List application.


  • Instructor Course Reserves

    Instructors can request material for their courses by submitting readings lists to the Library. Please consult the Course Readings and Reserves Support External Link icon page for instructions.

  • Adding the Library Reading List Application to your Course

    Add Library Reading List Application
    to Your Course

    After readings are added, library staff will notify you when the reading list is complete and provide instructions on adding the Library Reading List application to your Quercus course page.

    Add the Library Reading List navigation link so that it appears in your Course Navigation menu in Quercus. The Navigation Link can be found and added to your course by the following steps:

    1. In your course menu, select “Settings” (at the bottom left corner).
    2. Select the “Navigation” tab (located at the top of the screen).
    3. Select and drag “Library Reading List” up from the list of hidden navigation items to the list of visible navigation items in the top half of this list. Place it where you would like it to appear in the Course Navigation menu.
    4. Save your change.

    Students, teaching assistants, and instructors will now have access to the Library Reading List.

    See Library Reading List in Quercus External Link icon for more information.


  • Accessing Readings

    Accessing Readings in the Library Reading List Application

    The reading list will only appear for enrolled students and for a particular instance of a course.

    Students and instructors can access a course’s reading list via the Library Reading List application within a Quercus course site’s navigation bar. Selecting this causes the reading list associated with the course to be displayed once library staff have created the list.

    To enlarge your view, select the small icon (box with arrow) in the top right corner of the screen to open the application in a new tab within your window.

  • Copyright Concerns

    Uploading material to Quercus on your own?

    If you are adding readings to Quercus yourself, review copyright resources External Link icon for guidance. Upon request, the library will email you the PDF files of scanned journal articles or book chapters for you to post in Quercus.



  • Navigating the Library Reading List App Video (09:11)

    Watch the University of Toronto Libraries’ Scholarly Communications and Copyright Office’s “Navigating the Library Reading List App” video (09:11, UTORid login required). Select “CC” for closed captions.

  • Reading Lists Video (02:35)

    Overview of the Library Reading List tool (02:35). Select “CC” for closed captions.

Last Modified:

18 February, 2025

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