
What Can I Use It For?

grayscale photo of person using MacBook

ProctorTrack offers an online proctoring service to support the testing process for students who are completing exams online and from a distance. In their live proctoring service (ProctorLive), a professional proctor observes the entire test-writing process using webcam and screen sharing software, as well as browser lock-down and other technologies. The proctor monitors the test-taker’s screen throughout the entirety of the examination and can intervene if students attempt to contact others or use unpermitted materials on their exams. ProctorTrack also offers record and review (ProctorTrack QA) services, in which a recording of the test-taker is reviewed by a professional proctor after the exam has been completed. Use of an online testing environment, such as Quercus, is required to support a fully online exam. 

The University of Toronto has an institutionally endorsed agreement with ProctorTrack that confirms IT security and privacy, as well as services and rates. Departments who wish to use ProctorTrack for delivery of online exams will need to submit a work order directly with the company. 

Special Notes

Access to ProctorTrack via third party platforms such as publishers ( ie Pearson) is not permitted as these “add-on” services have not been evaluated by Information Security to assess compliance with U of T privacy requirements. 

At this time no faculty at U of T should use ProctorTrack unless they have approval from their Dean’s office and are providing access via Quercus course shells. 

This Academic Toolbox tool helps you...
Assess student work & provide feedback
Typical course activity format:
Quercus integration

Where can I get more support?

Related resources / similar tools

Alternative funding model
Alternative Cost Model Details

Program to cover the cost

How to Get Started

For general information regarding use of proctoring tools at U of T, see our Online Proctoring Guidelines. 


Instructors considering ProctorTrack should contact their divisional support for information regarding practices within their program area.  Academic administrators responsible for oversight of the use eProctoring should consult the Provostial Guidelines for Online Assessment Invigilation 


Any group interested in leveraging the UofT institutional ProctorTrack agreement are asked to contact the Director of Digital Learning Innovation or for a consultation, pricing information and vendor liaison. Specific language related to privacy, data security and technical requirements must be included in the syllabus. Digital Learning Innovation will provide templates for required text to be shared with students. 

Support Page:



Privacy Considerations

At this time no faculty at U of T should use ProctorTrack unless they have approval from their Dean’s office and are providing access via Quercus course shells. 

Security Considerations

Access to ProctorTrack via third party platforms such as publishers ( ie Pearson) is not permitted as these “add-on” services have not been evaluated by Information Security to assess compliance with U of T privacy requirements. 

Last Modified:

16 September, 2024

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