Tool Guides

Welcome to the Academic Toolbox

This is the search page for specific individual tools available in the U of T Academic Toolbox.

Within the search area below, you can select Toggle Filters to sort the Tool Guides based on integrations type or place in the Academic Toolbox category.  Our Tool Finder provides a menu of tools in various pedagogical categories. 

Not sure which tool you need? 
View our Teaching with Technology resources to assist your decision.

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Canvas notifications is an automatic way to stay on top of activity in your courses as well as contributing to communication with your students.
Organizing the students in your Quercus course into a Group Set allows you to administer group work and facilitate communication to and between the group members.
Use the UT Advanced Group Tool to download a list of student emails. This feature is available to a Teacher, TA, Course Staff, Grader, Designer, or Librarian.
Instructors can set up a discussion for students in their Quercus course as a method of asynchronous engagement.
A wiki page is a collaborative page that allows people to contribute, edit, and share materials. Page settings can be adjusted to course participants to access, create, and edit material on any topic.
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