Quercus Notifications

What Can I Use It For?

person holding black android smartphone

Canvas notifications is an automatic way to stay on top of activity in your courses as well as contributing to communication with your students. Individual users have the ability to customize their Quercus notification settings External Link to receive various course-related notifications via emails or push notifications to mobile devices. This includes the option to have Quercus send course communications directly to their University email account inbox. Notifications can be enabled for many activities including new student submissions, assignment grades available, or new Inbox conversation messages.

Special Notes

Students should login to Quercus (https://q.utoronto.ca) and reply to course messages using the communication tools in Quercus.

As part of university policy External Link icon, students are required to ensure that all Quercus communications are sent to their official university-issued email address. Students should reply to course messages and Quercus notifications using the Inbox tool.

This Academic Toolbox tool helps you...
Connect & communicate / Teach from a distance
Typical course activity format:
Synchronous or asynchronous
Quercus integration
Built-in tool

Where can I get more support?

Centrally funded

How to Get Started

Canvas notifications is an automatic way to stay on top of activity in your courses as well as contributing to communication with your students.

How to Use This Tool

Individual users have the ability to customize their Quercus notification settings External Link to receive various course-related notifications via emails or push notifications to mobile devices. This includes the option to have Quercus send course communications directly to their University email account inbox. Notifications can be enabled for many activities including new student submissions, assignment grades available, or new Inbox conversation messages.

Email notifications are generated from the address notifications@instructure.com.

Please note that your notification preferences only apply to your profile.


  • Customizing Notifications

  • Student Responsibility and Course Communications

  • Additional Contact Methods

Last Modified:

21 June, 2022

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