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Facilitators: Samantha Chang, Faculty Liaison Coordinator, Teaching, Learning and Technology Jordan Holmes, Senior Manager, Teaching, Learning and Technology Cora McCloy, Faculty Liaison Coordinator, SoTL This session will provide strategie…
Course Evaluation Items Institutional Course Evaluation Items The 8 core institutional evaluation questions will appear on all evaluations administered by the Course Evaluation Service. They are: I found the course intellectually stimulati…
This page contains recordings of workshops from the Centre for Teaching Support and Innovation (CTSI) and their associated resources, covering various aspects of teaching and learning, as well as Quercus and the Academic Toolbox. Some of ou…
The University of Toronto is committed to the values of independent inquiry and to the free and open exchange of ideas. Visit U of T’s Academic Integrity website for further resources and the University’s Code of Behaviour on Academic Matte…
ACT Major Projects - Update There is currently an ongoing RFx review of Online Grading Solutions for the Academic Toolbox.  Please see the Academic & Collaborative Technologies (ACT) Major Projects Update Wiki for the most recent…
Join us for an interactive virtual drop-in for University of Toronto instructors and staff. This is your opportunity to get hands-on experience with Microsoft Copilot, a powerful generative AI model that has been approved for use by the Uni…
Facilitator: Dr J. Laprade, Associate Professor, Teaching Stream, Division of AnatomyGamification is gaining more attention and, dare we say, becoming trendy over the recent years. As a result, educators gamely (see what I did there?) attem…
Tool Finder Are you wondering which tools to choose to achieve learning goals for your course? Use our Tool Finder to see guides for the various tools in our Academic Toolbox.  You can also reach out for guidance on using the tools that bes…
The Gradebook is the “Grades” menu area of your Quercus course.  The gradebook helps instructors easily enter, view, and distribute grades for students. There are multiple way
EMERGENCY NOTICE -- TEACHING AND LEARNING SYMPOSIUM CANCELLEDDue to a campus-wide power outage, Rotman School of Management is without power and we have been informed it is a safety issue to have people in the building. Therefore we must ca…
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