
What Can I Use It For?

iClicker (commonly called “clickers”) is a classroom response system currently supported at the University of Toronto.

iClicker Cloud works in combination with presentation software like PowerPoint or Keynote. Instructors use the software to pose multiple-choice questions to students during class. Students can participate using mobile devices, laptops, and iClicker remotes, which transmit individual responses to the instructor’s iClicker account to record and share results with the class.

iClickers are a great way to increase student engagement, especially in large classes, and provide immediate feedback on student understanding of the course material.

Following the University’s open tendering process for audience response tools, iClicker Cloud (integrated with Quercus) is available for supported use.  The iClicker solution has a fee associated with it, usually paid for directly by students (although some departments may purchase the solution for their students; the exact arrangements should be confirmed on a departmental basis with the local EdTech support team).

Special Notes

Update to iClicker Cloud 6.0.0 by July 1, 2024.
Instructors using personal computers have three options for updating their own software. They can:

  • Follow the in-app prompt to update
  • Use the iClicker Cloud menu option in their software to Check for Updates
  • Visit the Download iClicker Cloud page to download Cloud 6.0.0



Student Engagement – Not Formal Assessment

Please note that iClicker is supported for in-class audience response only. Instructors who wish to use this technology for formal assessment purposes should note that limitations with the technology, including WiFi and cellular connectivity, might limit the feasibility of using it for assessment.



This Academic Toolbox tool helps you...
Connect & communicate
Typical course activity format:
Quercus integration
Integrated tool

Where can I get more support?

Related resources / similar tools


How to Get Started

Instructors, login to iClicker Cloud at: instructor.iclicker.com

(instructors and students must use their university email address when creating an account with iClicker)


Create your Courses in iClicker:

  1. When creating your course in iClicker Cloud, select the Enrollment option “Students must be invited to this course“.
  2. Once your iClicker course is created, in the settings area, select the “Integrations” tab and follow the Canvas integration prompts “Connect to Canvas” to select the Quercus course you wish to sync roster and grade information.
  3. Add your students to your iClicker course through Roster Sync.

All iClicker assignment and quiz setup occurs in the iClicker Cloud interface, not in your Quercus course.

How to Use This Tool

The iClicker solution has a fee associated with it, usually paid for directly by students (although some departments may purchase the solution for their students; the exact arrangements should be confirmed on a departmental basis with the local EdTech support team).

While students can purchase iClicker licenses directly from various app stores, we have partnered with the University of Toronto Bookstore to ensure that the best price for students is through the U of T Bookstore, and not directly from online app stores. We encourage instructors considering the adoption of iClicker for their teaching to contact the U of T Bookstore in advance of their teaching to ensure there is enough stock for all their students.  The U of T Bookstore can also help with other related teaching inquiries.

While we note that some instructors are interested in using iClicker integrated with MacMillan’s Achieve system, Achieve is currently not supported at the University. Instructors should be aware of the guidelines regarding Tools Beyond Quercus before making this decision.

In addition to iClicker Cloud, instructors have access to other audience and student response solutions, including through their Microsoft 365 account.


  • Create an iClicker Cloud account

    Create an account on the iClicker Cloud Instructor site (if you do not have one already).

    • Search for and select “University of Toronto” as your Primary Institution.
    • Select “Instructor” as your primary role.
    • Use your @utoronto.ca instructor email address when creating an account.
    • Do NOT use your UTORid password.  This is a separate account from your University email & UTORid.


    iClicker Cloud Create Account



    2. Download iClicker Cloud.

    Choose either the Windows Standalone Version or Mac version.

    iClicker Cloud Download


  • Download iClicker Cloud software

  • Create your iClicker Cloud course

    The iClicker course name that you create does not automatically sync with your Quercus course name.

    Instructors should create an iClicker course name that matches their Quercus course & year.

    Choose Create New Course in your iClicker Cloud account with the following:

    • Institution: Ensure “University of Toronto” is selected.
    • Course Name: To ensure you are interacting with the correct course, match this name with the name of your course in Quercus.  You may also want to include the section, semester and year information.
    • Enrollment
    • Optional: Adding the Course ID from Quercus and Term information will assist in keeping your iClicker courses organized.


    iClicker Cloud Create Course


    Once your iClicker course is created, students can be added to the course via the Roster & Grade Sync.


    Please reach out to iClicker directly if you have any questions about what type of setup is best for your situation.

  • Set up your iClicker course to use Roster & Grade Sync with Quercus

    Once your iClicker course is created, you can sync assignment grades and cross-check roster information with the Quercus integration.

    In the settings area of your iClicker Cloud course, select the “Integrations” tab and follow the Canvas integration prompts “Connect to Canvas” to select the Quercus course you wish to sync roster and grade information.


    Once connected, you may do an initial Roster Sync with your Quercus course:

    iClicker Cloud Canvas Setup Complete Sync Roster Now

    After completing an initial roster sync, you will be given the option to notify students who do not have an iClicker account setup yet.

    An additional Roster sync will be required once


  • Sync your roster from Quercus to iClicker Cloud

    After following the steps to set up Roster & Grade Sync in your course, you can pull your roster from your Quercus course into your iClicker course.

    Navigate to the People section of the iClicker Cloud instructor website and click the Sync Roster button on the Students page to initiate the roster sync.

    Students from your Quercus roster are associated to an iClicker account by matching account information in the two systems. If a match is found and the student hasn’t yet joined your iClicker course, that student will get automatically added to your iClicker roster and sent an email notification. Student account matches use email address as the primary identifier but also use student ID and full name to supplement match success if an email match cannot be made.


    Learn more about Sync your roster from Quercus to iClicker Cloud.

  • Sync your grades from iClicker Cloud to Quercus 

    After following the steps to set up Roster & Grade Sync in your course, you can sync iClicker Cloud grade book with your Quercus course anytime.

    A “Grade Sync” column appears in your iClicker Cloud gradebook when you have the integration active

    Click the “Sync Grade” button on the “Gradebook” page to initiate the grade sync.

    Note that a roster sync is automatically included with every grade sync to ensure that your roster is as up-to-date as possible before grades are sent.

    Learn more about Sync your grades from iClicker Cloud to Canvas.

  • Physical classroom setup options with iClicker Cloud

    1. Mobile app and/or hardware

    The instructorsʼ computer requires internet (recommended via hard-wired ethernet cable). Students using the mobile app will need Wifi or to use their phone data.

    iClicker hardware


    2. Hardware only

    Only the instructor’s computer requires internet access (recommended via hard-wired ethernet cable) to run the iClicker Cloud software.  Students do not need WiFi as they connect iClickers directly to the local base station in the room.

    iCliker hardware

  • Obtain an iClicker Instructor Base (if iClicker remotes required)

    When using iClicker in a physical classroom, you may use an iClicker Receiver Base.  Using a base station is not required if the WiFi connectivity is good in your classroom and your students are using iClicker Cloud.

    Using a base station can be beneficial if you are in a classroom with poor or unreliable WiFi access.

  • How to Share Your iClicker Cloud Course with a Co-Instructor or TA

    Instructors can share their iClicker Cloud courses with other users who will be assisting with the course like a co-instructor, TA/GA, or divisional ed tech support.

    In the People section of your iClicker course, select the “Instructors” tab and then the blue “Add Instructor” button.

    Ensure you are using their official University of Toronto email address.

    iClicker Cloud Add TA

    The creator of the course is the course owner and maintains ultimate control of the course. This role cannot be transferred. Invited users can have either a co-instructor or teaching assistant (TA) role and will share almost all the same course permissions as the course owner.

    Learn more on How to Share Your iClicker Cloud Course with a Co-Instructor or TA.

  • Polls vs Quizzes in iClicker

    Polls vs Quizzes in iClicker:

    • Polls are non-graded
    • Quizzes can sync to Quercus grade book
    • Polls are more limited and don’t have the same features as quizzes (for example, you can not embed images in polls)
  • How to Set Up Multi-Section Courses

    iClicker Cloud Roster & Grade Sync with Quercus: How to Set Up Multi-Section Courses.

    In this scenario, each Canvas section meets on a different day and/or time, but all feed into the same Canvas gradebook. Additionally, students are allowed to attend any section regardless of their actual section registration.

    This article explains how to set up iClicker Roster & Grade Sync (RGS) for a Canvas course that serves as a shell for multiple sections.


  • How to Merge Multiple Student Accounts in iClicker Cloud

    If you have a student who has created and used multiple iClicker student app accounts in your course, follow the steps below to merge the student’s Gradebook and Attendance data into a single account:



  • iClicker Cloud Full Training

    Full iClicker Cloud training video from iClicker (not all features & functions apply to our Quercus integration)

Last Modified:

15 May, 2024

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