
What Can I Use It For?

person using MacBook Pro

Quizzical is an on-line, multiple-choice question writing and testing tool. Students are selected at random to author questions and can be required to meet criteria for taking quizzes.  Student authored questions may be directed to one or more teaching assistants for marking.  Marks and scores for quiz participation are shown to students both textually and graphically, and are reported to a grade center.  The instructor can download the grades to incorporate them into the gradebook, and selected questions can be downloaded for use on formal exams.

Special Notes

Note: Make sure to deselect lectures that fall on Public or University holidays. These will not be applied automatically.

This Academic Toolbox tool helps you...
Connect & communicate / Assess student work & provide feedback / Teach from a distance
Typical course activity format:
Synchronous or asynchronous
Quercus integration
Integrated tool

Where can I get more support?

Related resources / similar tools

Centrally funded

How to Get Started

Quizzical is an on-line, multiple-choice question writing and testing tool.


  • Enable Quizzical in Course Navigation

    Enable Quizzical in Course Navigation

    1. Click the “Settings” link in the course navigation menu
    2. Select the “Navigation” tab
    3. Scroll down to find “Quizzical”. Click the “Move Options” button and select “Enable”. Click “Save”.
    4. Confirm that “Quizzical” link is now available in the course navigation menu.
  • Activate Quizzical for your Course

    To activate Quizzical for your course:

    1. Click “Quizzical” on your course navigation
    2. It will open a new tab into Quizzical
    3. Select “Activate Course
    4. This section is to schedule course lectures
    5. Click the “Scheduling” tab
    6. Update the following fields to configure your Quizzical course schedule
      • Date Range: The start and end dates of your Quizzical course. These might be the same as the session start/ end dates, or sometime frame in between during which during which you want to engage your students in Quizzical Activities
      • Week Days: The days of the week you have your lectures
      • Time: The time of the day your lecture starts
    7. Once you have selected all of your settings, click “Set up Lectures

    Your basic lecture is set and you can start your course.


Last Modified:

21 June, 2022

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