Teaching with Technology

Welcome to the Academic Toolbox

You can view our articles related to Teaching with Technology below.  If you are looking for support with a specific tool in the Quercus Academic Toolbox, visit our Tool Guides to search by name or category.

Online Assessment Tools

ACT Major Projects – Update There is currently an ongoing RFx review of Online Grading Solutions for the Academic Toolbox.  Please see the Academic & Collaborative Technologies (ACT) Major Projects

Online Discussion Tools

ARC Major Projects – Update Following an open tendering process for discussion tools, the ED discussion tool is no longer available as an integrated and supported tool in our Academic

Lecture Capture

Lecture Capture software available at U of T:   You can use webinar tools (MS Teams Meeting or Zoom) to create a meeting of one (just yourself) and using the

Student Support

Instructors: feel free to share this support page with your students Quercus Tools: Quercus Discussions Discussions Quercus Discussions allow course participants can have an online conversation. Overview Discussions are a commonly

Recording of Lectures and Class Sessions

Audio and Video Recording of Lectures and Class Sessions More information on Recording Technologies can be found on the Academic, Research and Collaborative Technologies site.   There are several possible

Course Life Cycle

The Quercus course life cycle is a timeline of events a course goes through from creation to delivery to archived (read-only*). This resource will help you plan to build, update,

Teaching with Social Media

Teaching with social media This guide provides an overview of teaching with social media at the University of Toronto. Its goal is to help Instructors: understand considerations around the use

Tech Tips

  Subscribe to the Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation e-newsletter for weekly news and tips. Access Past Issues of the newsletter. Tech Tips 2023 2023-01-30 Announcements & communication with

Student Response Systems

Audience Response RFSQ update:   Following the University’s open tendering process for audience response tools, we are pleased to inform University instructors and staff that iClicker Cloud (integrated with Quercus)

Plagiarism Detection

Plagiarism Detection Tool The University’s plagiarism detection tool is The University’s plagiarism detection tool is an electronic resource that assists in the detection and deterrence of plagiarism. Instructors using this tool

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